Step in the right direction for other major cities to follow. Will definitely help to make Times Square more accessible to being a tourist attraction, as it will allow more space for people to stop and gaze and absorb the atmosphere.
"The heart of New York, Times Square, underwent surgery yesterday as work started to create a pedestrian zone in an area renowned for clogged traffic jams. The idea is relatively simple, with vehicles being barred on Broadway between 42nd and 47th streets.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg has pushed for the plan as a way of handing part of the so-called "crossroads of the world" over to pedestrians. Bloomberg has pushed hard, although in small increments, for a greener city, by building more bicycle lanes and promoting clean energy projects.
His transport commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan, sought inspiration in Copenhagen, where she hired urban planner Jan Gehl as a consultant."It will make the street work like it should," Sadik-Khan said this week. "It's good for traffic, it's good for businesses and we think it is going be a great deal of fun."